I don’t know, is it safe to say my wife stalks women? Ogles them? Has thoughts of running her hands through their hair? Is this beginning to sound like one of those letters to the forum in a dirty mag from 80’s/90’s? Will Rachel (wife/makeup artist/hairstylist/wardrobe coordinator/photo assistant/general badass) and Mary (the beautiful young lady gracing this post above and below) appreciate the opening lead-in down Penthouse forum lane? Probably not, but I don’t think either would be surprised…
Rachel and Mary have been together in Zumba class for awhile now, so once the opportunity to work together presented itself thru a “models needed to fill these beautiful dresses we have” post , we jumped at it. Of course, we took the dancing abilities Mary possesses and put her in a dress that does not quite allow her to express that, but hey, you do what you gotta do. Plus, plans are in the works to schedule a session that takes advantage of said abilities and we are very much looking forward to it.
So what you see below is what we were able to conjure up in about an hour of walking around a local government building near the library last Friday. A little bit of rain, a little bit of darkness, and one inquisitive police officer later, we present to you our first Mary session…
…from one side of the building…
…to the front and the other side…
…and the obligatory trash bin section…
…to finish up with the fading light at the library.