Oh, our dear Miss Anna.
I have known her for five years, which puts her age then at 10. Her mother pulled me aside as we walked into a Kroger, me with a very fresh pixy, and her inquiring where I got my hair done. People ask stylists this question all the time, and my answer quickly diverts them:
"Actually, I am a hairstylist!" I exclaim with a smile.
No, I did not cut my hair like this. Yes, the person who did cut it had 7 years more experience, and was Vidal Sassoon trained. But, "Actually, I am a hairstylist" diverts them every time. And with this diversion I got one of my favorite, most consistently encouraging clients, and her sweet daughter.
We have watched Anna grow over the last few years, from- well, what we all look like during puberty, into this young woman. She came to us with everything she had last week, and we were B-L-O-W-N away. These images remind me of what we do. They remind me of exactly how wonderful it is to work with my husband. And they remind me of how lucky we are to have good friends.