There are only two days of March left, and wedding season is in full swing.
Formal hairstyling isn't for everyone, and I used to be terrified of it. Seven and a half years ago I worked in a large spa/salon in the Augusta area, where many a girl would schedule her whole wedding preparations. Unknowingly, 4 of those formal styles would end up on my book. The impending doom of such a Saturday would beat upon me all week long. I woke up with severe anxiety on said morning, stuffing bites of chicken biscuit into a stomach filled to the brim with butterflies. I would stand behind a girl with a comb, bobby pins and a prayer, struggling to knot up loose tendrils into some sort of configuration. Standing back from my creation, I scrutinized: "it's up."
Years later, weddings no longer scare me much. All totaled, I have the honor of helping 17 brides prepare for their special day this season. It is my hope that I am able to bring a steady hand to a day when everyone else tends toward shaking.
"Where is my garter?"
"Does anyone have something blue?"
"It is going to rain!"
"The cake collapsed!"
"What size do you wear? Could you fill in for my missing bridesmaid?"

It is my hope that everyone who feels my touch receives some measure of peace for that moment. I don't pretend to know it all, but I do know some. And I hope it is a comfort.
And as for my dear friend, Kimberly- she helped me out one afternoon by letting me play on her gorgeous skin and in her beautiful hair. Braids still seem to be all the rage around here, and my husband captured this combination braid beautifully in our studio. Later I wrapped it up, and pinned it into a luxe up-do.
So if you land here as a bride, know that we treasure every anxious/glorious/complex/overwhelming/beautiful/unique/hurried/chill/precious/wonderful moment with you.
Patrick and I wish you all the best.