I hate to beat the proverbial horse here, but I really want a studio to work out of. Sort of. I think. Well, yes and no. Yes when it is over 90 degrees, 90 percent humidity, no wind, no clouds, too much wind, 40 degrees, rain, yada, yada, yada. You get the picture. And when it’s not like that? Well, of course, outside is the way to go. Unless I want a pure color background with Cyclorama wall complete with beautifully constructed lighting that never changes unless I want it to. But outside of that pure color background, there is no way I could spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for backgrounds when if you just walk outside and look, you have hundreds of “studio” backdrops available virtually anywhere you go. It’s one reason I can’t understand photographers that go to the same places again and again. There is only so much of the train tracks, depot, or Savannah Rapids before I go nuts.
So when the new Mullins Crossing shopping center was built, I was excited at the whole new set of backdrops that became available. I also happened to get some new equipment and wanted to test them out, so we contacted the beautiful Syrita again for a quick test of the new flash and to see what backgrounds the new shopping center had to offer. Here are the results and we hope you enjoy!
Here we are just getting into the swing of things using the facade of the building and it’s environs with Syrita unaware that we are headed to one of my favorite parts of any shopping center…
…the trash bin area. Before the smells come, the walls, doors, and bins themselves can have such lovely colors and textures…
…and head off to behind Belk and it’s loading dock…
…before finishing off on the field next to the parking lot, complete with massive rock.