Completing the set, the eldest of the siblings gets his time to shine as we travel to a many visited site by the Fury’s Ferry boat ramp. Our man turns 12 this year, a time for me that was roughly 32 years ago, so there is a lot of learning going on between the two of us. As I like to tell him and his sister, he is walking a tough path being our first, as he encounters the world for the first time and ldoing double duty earning just as he is teaching us how to parent in many situations. At times you can see it in his face and mannerisms what it is like to be a developing young man in this world, but give him some time and the true essence of his sweet personality will shine through lighting up the world around him. And if you’re lucky, you might just get one of his signature dance moves from him. He is our first, and oh how we love him so.
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