Acuity Photography

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Augusta GA Senior Portraits: Beauty that abides

I went to an all-girls' prep school, and I remember my senior photos well. I curled my hair in tight spirals the night before (which incidentally took nearly 2 hours), because I loved the way it looked on the second day. Of course, when I woke up the next morning one side of my hair was flat to my head, and the other compact and perfect. After panicked brushing, scrunching, bobby pin trials and multiple barrette attempts, I went with it. The photographer brought me through a succession of poses involving several carpet-covered apparatus. As the shutter fell I employed the pouty lips I had practiced all evening, and the results were comical at best. 

Senior portraiture has evolved and devolved since my moments in front of the camera in 1996. From glaring props, arty silhouettes, and girls in tall grass and floral crowns; senior portraits are now whatever a 17 year old wishes them to be. In this case, we simply did what we do. No pom poms or drapes; just a girl in her youth. Flawless skin, radiant hair, and an exceptional location were the only "props" in play. We desire a result that will not mortify as a #tbt in 15 years. We desire images of the abiding beauty we will carry to generations that follow. 

We hope you enjoy this final installment of Emily's portraits.

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